Pretty cool for a 35 year old machine.

Steve Zimmerman


Mr. Zimmerman became the second owner of his Burr King Model 760 after his uncle passed away. The machine was sold in 1976 to his uncle who used it for 35 years in a tool and die shop


You have been wonderful to work with. What a pleasure to have such a customer oriented, knowledgeable person to come in contact with.

Your assessment was spot on. I freed up the top eccentric, aligned the idlers with the tracking idler pivot at plumb. It took all of 30 seconds to get the tracking corrected. After I got her running I fine tuned the alignment of the idlers and she’s running fine and true. Pretty cool for a 35 year old machine.

I’ve decided to leave the speed alone and get the correct belts you recommended.

I am sorry to say, I don’t require purchasing anything right now, but I know who to go to when I do.

Again, Thank You,


Steve Zimmerman
