Frequently Asked Questions
Vibratory Finishing
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What will vibratory finishing do to my parts?
Many different finishes are possible using vibratory processing. Simple de-burring, pre-plate finsih condition, reflective finish condition, cleaning, de-scaling, edge rounding, finish moderation, and other finish conditions are possible with vibratory finishing.
What is media?
Media is a “buzz” word for the material used in a vibratory machine to interact with your parts to achieve the finish condition desired. Media is available in a multitude of abrasives and non-abrasive ranging from man made ceramics with aluminum oxide or silicon carbide through porcelain and steel burnish forms to materials such as corncob and walnut shell.
How many parts can be processed at a time in a Burr King vibratory machine?
Depending on the size, weight, geometry, material and surface condition desired it is possible to process many parts at once within a Burr King vibratory machine. Burr King vibratory machines are capable of processing from a few pounds to several hundred pounds of parts per process run depending on the model employed.
What function does the physical properties of the vibratory tub shape play in part processing?
The physical properties of a vibratory machine are important considerations when selecting the ideal machine for your parts. The machinery must be designed to deliver fast, energetic, and controlled vibration to your parts. The vibratory chamber should protect your parts during the vibratory cycle. The vibratory system should be able to operate wet or dry based on your finish needs. The vibratory system should be able to accept the finishing media required achieving the finish you require in the time frame demanded. Importantly, the vibratory machine whould fit well in your shop while not intruding unneccessarily, annoying your employees, or disrupting the other machinery such as CNC machines and other high precision units. Burr King vibratory machines are designed to offer a wide variety of capability tailored to your particular needs, all are well suited for most shop environments, and all are specifically designed not to adversely affect the operation of neighboring equipment. Contact your Burr King distributor or the Burr King factory for guidance.
What actually does the work in a vibratory machine?
The machinery delivers mechanical energy to the media, compounds, and parts to achieve the desired finish. The media abrades, burnishes, or polishes the part as driven by the machinery. The compounds keep the media in good condition, lubricate the parts to improve finish, flush media slurry and metal fines out of the vibratory chamber, and treat the part finish for color, and/or corrosion resistance.
Does media wear out?
Yes, all media has a definitive service life. The length of life is determined by the equipment, part finish results, proper compound usage, and the extent that the media lodges in part cavities, if any.
What becomes of the vibratory media waste and material fines that are created in a vibratory process?
Waste should be flushed through the system using what is commonly called “compound flow-through”. Most Burr King vibratory machines include a “compound flow-through” system. Burr King recommends that a compound filtration system be used whenever wet processing is done. Burr King’s FilterPAK 4001 fluid filtration system is an inexpensive addition to any vibratory system. Using the FilterPAK 4001 will extend media life, improve part finish, maintain a cleaner machine, keep your parts cleaner, and provide collection for ready disposal of media slurry and material fines.
Can a low RA or RMS finish be achieved using vibratory processing?
Yes, with the proper selection of media, compounds, and machine many finish conditions are possible. The particular part and its pre-process condition are important variables for achieving your desired finish condition.
Is vibratory processing difficult to control?
No, once the optimum process is defined you can expect consistent output provided the process inputs are maintained in reasonable bounds.
How are parts introduced into the vibratory chamber?
Parts may be hand or conveyor introduced.
How are parts extracted from the vibratory system?
Generally parts are readily extracted by hand. Extraction can be aided using separating screens and other simple tools. Burr King’s VibraKING 40 large bowl system incorporates AutoSEP Automatic part extraction. The VibraKING 40 can be incorporated in continuous processing using the programmable logic computer (PLC).
What are vibratory process inputs?
Vibratory process inputs include media, compounds, machine condition, process time, load size, and incoming part condition.
What is the largest part that can be processed in a Burr King vibratory machine?
In general vibratory tubs will process parts that are not longer than 1 inch less than the interior tub length dimension. The other dimension (front to back) should be less than 75% of the tub interior front to back dimension. The part size limit of vibratory bowls is generally limited to about 75% of cord dimension of the bowl taken at a point 1/2 the distance from the interior hub and the outer wall. The front to back dimension at the cord length limit is generally limited to 50% of the distance between the interior hub and the outer wall. Sound complicated? It can be! Take the easy way out and ask Burr King to eveluate your particular part.
Can the Burr King vibratory chambers be divided into sub-compartments?
Yes, generally tub systems can be divided into up to four sub-compartments. Dividing the chamber is a handy way to extend the versatility of your vibratory machine.
How much time will my parts require?
The length of time to process your parts will be dependant of the condition of your parts pre-process, and other process inputs like media, compounds, machine style, etc. Burr King offers test process of your parts to identify the necessary process parameters including process time. There is no charge for this service and we recommend that new adopters of vibratory processing use it prior to product purchase.
What is done with vibratory waste that may be developed?
Unless your material has toxic character as might be identified with heavy or exotic metals, most often vibratory waste can be disposed of in common land fills. Burr King recommends that you consult with your local authorities to best answer this question. Burr King provides MSDS sheets on request for all vibratory consumables we sell.
Are Burr King vibratory machines available in international electric power configurations?
Yes, all Burr King products will operate, or may be adapted to most AC main voltages and frequencies. Please consult with our factory. All are available in popular 60-hertz power options.
Does Burr King make small "desk top" vibratory machines?
Yes, please see our VibraKING 110, 150S, and 200S machines.
Does Burr King make large vibratory systems?
Yes, please see our VibraKING 15 bowl, 25, 45 and 85 tubs, and our VibraKING 40 large bowl systems.
Will Burr King "test finish" my parts?
Yes, send a sample of your parts along with an explanation of what your finish needs are and Burr King will test finish your parts and return them to you for evaluation. There is no charge for this service. Additionally, Burr King can e-mail to you digital images of the finish result if you so desire. Here’s the link for our test lab. Looking for some before and after sample parts? Check them out here.
Where can I get technical assistance in selecting the best vibratory machine for my application?
Please contact your local Burr King distributor, or call Burr King Manufacturing at 1-800-621-2748, or contact Burr King via e-mail at
Finishing & Grinding Machines
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How will a belt or disk grinder help me work with my materials?
A well made belt grinder will quickly and smoothly remove stock, shape, contour, and modify the finish of many material types.
What abrasive speeds are best for which materials?
In general abrasive speeds from 4000 to 8000 surface feet per minute are recommended for mild steels and aluminum. Abrasive speeds from 3000 to 6000 surface feet per minute work well with stainless steels and cast irons. Exotic materials such as titanium generally prefer speeds below 2000 SFPM. Plastics and other polymers usually prefer speeds below 2000 SFPM. Woods and similar fibrous materials are often best ground below 6000 SFPM. Grinding speeds are determined by the material to be ground, the finish desired, and the abrasive used.
What abrasive types are available for use on Burr King grinders?
Every major abrasive manufacturer in the world manufactures abrasives that are suitable for Burr King grinders. Abrasive materials include diamond, aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, and other mixes and compounds often referred to under proprietary trade names.
Do Burr King grinders use standard commonly available belts and discs?
Yes, all Burr King grinders use belts and/or disks that are readily available around the world.
What is a well-made belt or disk grinder?
A well made belt or disk grinder incorporates the following:
1. Balanced, smooth running belt or disc tract for an ideal; fatigue reducing, abrasive to work piece interface.
2. Versatile modes of operation that include contact wheel, platen, work rest, and slack belt grinding and finishing.
3. Ample horsepower to drive the abrasive past the work piece.
4. Abrasive speed (surface feet per minute) designed for modern abrasives and a wide variety of materials.
5. Rugged design for better performance and long life.
Can Burr King grinders be used under "wet" conditions?
Yes, however grinders used under “wet” conditions must be configured to meet NEMA 4 or 4X standards. These standards specify design requirements for electrical safety in wet use.
When should I use a serrated contact wheel?
A serrated contact wheel is a wheel with groves place in the wheel face to speed material removal, extend abrasive life, and reduce temperature build-up. Use serrated wheels when you require rapid material removal and finish is of secondary importance.
Are serrated contact wheels available on Burr King grinders
Yes, all Burr King grinders are available with smooth faced or serrated contact wheels.
Do Burr King grinders conform to common safety requirements such as belt guarding and pinch point protection?
Yes, all Burr King machines are designed to comply with OSHA and other safety definitions.
Are Burr King grinders available in international electric power configurations?
Yes, all Burr King products will operate, or may be adapted to most AC main voltage and frequencies. Please consult with our factory. All are available in popular 60 hertz power options.
Can Burr King belt grinders be used in other ways than belt grinding?
Yes, most Burr King grinders are designed to accept buffing wheels, nylon wheels, and similar de-burring/polishing devices. Stone wheels and other similar hard wheels must never be used on a Burr King belt grinder.
Can Burr King belt grinders reach into small cavities, radii, and other hard to reach places?
Yes, all Burr King belt grinders are designed to either do this type of grinding directly, or to accept adapters to gind/finish in this manner.
Will Burr King grinders deliver finishes in the low RA, or micro region?
Yes, finishes from coarse to low RA, or low micron finishes are readily achieved by matching the machine, abrasive speed, and abrasive material to the material type to be ground.
Can Burr King belt grinders be used for "on center" or "centerless" grinding?
Yes, most Burr King models can be adapted for either mode of grinding.
How is grinding/polishing residue that is generated by the grinding machine dealt with?
All Burr King grinders are readily adapted to in-house dust collection systems. Burr King also supplies a comprehensive line of stand alone dust collection systems ideally suited for your finishing needs.
Where can I get technical assistance in selecting the best grinding/polishing machine for my application?
Please contact your local Burr King distributor, or call Burr King Manufacturing at 1-800-621-2748, or contact Burr King via e-mail at
Will Burr King "test finish" my parts?
Yes, send a sample of your parts along with an explaination of what your finish needs are and Burr King will test finish your parts and return them to you for evaluation. There is no charge for this service. Additionally, Burr King can e-mail to you digital images of the finish result if you desire.
I'm not sure if a Burr King machine will work for me. How can I try one out?
Your local Burr King distributor can often arrange to have a Burr King machine brought to your facility for trial. Burr King has other “on site” trial programs. These programs are ordinarily restricted to the contiguous USA. Please see your distributor, or call the factory.