BCR225: 3/4″ x 3/4″ General Purpose Plastic Cone Vibratory Media

Product Overview

BCR225 is 3/4″ x 3/4″ General Purpose Plastic Cone Media.  The rounded cones will have less media impingement than wedge media, but will not get into as tight of a radius.

Sold in 50 lbs increments.

Plastic vibratory media is an abrasive which is a petroleum-based plastic media. Normally used on non-ferrous materials such as aluminum. Most commonly used when a low RMS micro-finish is desired, or where the finish must be substantially free of impingement damage which is seen if using ceramic media on aluminum or soft material. Well suited for deburring, flash removal and pre-plate finishing

This media is an excellent wearing general purpose media that is an optimal cut.  The media will leave a matte finish on your part.  65-70 pounds per cubic foot.

If using with a filtration system Burr King recommends using 50 or 100 micron filters.

General Benefits of Plastic Media:

  • Weighs less than ceramic media per cubic foot.  Will reduce impingement damage and surface hammering.
    Synthetic 55/lbs Cu. Ft., Plastic 65/lbs. Cu. Ft., Ceramic 85/lbs. Cu Ft.
  • Low RMS micro-finish
  • Works well with Aluminum or other soft material


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